Below is a complete list of the functions available in AutoIt. Click on a function name for a detailed description.
Function | Description |
Abs | Calculates the absolute value of a number. |
ACos | Calculates the arcCosine of a number. |
AdlibDisable | Disables the adlib functionality. |
AdlibEnable | Enables Adlib functionality. |
Asc | Returns the ASCII code of a character. |
ASin | Calculates the arcsine of a number. |
Assign | Assigns a variable by name with the data. |
ATan | Calculates the arctangent of a number. |
AutoItSetOption | Changes the operation of various AutoIt functions/parameters. |
AutoItWinGetTitle | Retrieves the title of the AutoIt window. |
AutoItWinSetTitle | Changes the title of the AutoIt window. |
Beep | Plays back a beep to the user. |
BinaryString | Returns the BinaryString representation of an expression. |
BitAND | Performs a bitwise AND operation. |
BitNOT | Performs a bitwise NOT operation. |
BitOR | Performs a bitwise OR operation. |
BitRotate | Performs a bit shifting operation, with rotation. |
BitShift | Performs a bit shifting operation. |
BitXOR | Performs a bitwise exclusive OR (XOR) operation. |
BlockInput | Disable/enable the mouse and keyboard. |
Break | Enables or disables the users' ability to exit a script from the tray icon menu. |
Call | Calls a user-defined function contained in a string parameter. |
CDTray | Opens or closes the CD tray. |
Ceiling | Returns a number rounded up to the next integer. |
Chr | Returns a character corresponding to an ASCII code. |
ClipGet | Retrieves text from the clipboard. |
ClipPut | Writes text to the clipboard. |
ConsoleRead | Read in a number of characters from the STDIN stream of the AutoIt script process. |
ConsoleWrite | Writes data to a stream that text editors can sometimes read. |
ConsoleWriteError | Writes data to the stderr stream. Some text editors can read this stream as can other programs which may be expecting data on this stream. |
ControlClick | Sends a mouse click command to a given control. |
ControlCommand | Sends a command to a control. |
ControlDisable | Disables or "grays-out" a control. |
ControlEnable | Enables a "grayed-out" control. |
ControlFocus | Sets input focus to a given control on a window. |
ControlGetFocus | Returns the ControlRef# of the control that has keyboard focus within a specified window. |
ControlGetHandle | Retrieves the internal handle of a control. |
ControlGetPos | Retrieves the position and size of a control relative to it's window. |
ControlGetText | Retrieves text from a control. |
ControlHide | Hides a control. |
ControlListView | Sends a command to a ListView32 control. |
ControlMove | Moves a control within a window. |
ControlSend | Sends a string of characters to a control. |
ControlSetText | Sets text of a control. |
ControlShow | Shows a control that was hidden. |
Cos | Calculates the cosine of a number. |
Dec | Returns a numeric representation of a hexadecimal string. |
DirCopy | Copies a directory and all sub-directories and files (Similar to xcopy). |
DirCreate | Creates a directory/folder. |
DirGetSize | Returns the size in bytes of a given directory. |
DirMove | Moves a directory and all sub-directories and files. |
DirRemove | Deletes a directory/folder. |
DllCall | Dynamically calls a function in a DLL. |
DllClose | Closes a previously opened DLL. |
DllOpen | Opens a DLL file for use in DllCall. |
DllStructCreate | Creates a C/C++ style structure to be used in DllCall. |
DllStructGetData | Returns the data of an element of the struct. |
DllStructGetPtr | Returns the pointer to the struct or an element in the struct. |
DllStructGetSize | Returns the size of the struct in bytes. |
DllStructSetData | Sets the data in of an element in the struct. |
DriveGetDrive | Returns an array containing the enumerated drives. |
DriveGetFileSystem | Returns File System Type of a drive. |
DriveGetLabel | Returns Volume Label of a drive, if it has one. |
DriveGetSerial | Returns Serial Number of a drive. |
DriveGetType | Returns drive type. |
DriveMapAdd | Maps a network drive. |
DriveMapDel | Disconnects a network drive. |
DriveMapGet | Retrieves the details of a mapped drive. |
DriveSetLabel | Sets the Volume Label of a drive. |
DriveSpaceFree | Returns the free disk space of a path in Megabytes. |
DriveSpaceTotal | Returns the total disk space of a path in Megabytes. |
DriveStatus | Returns the status of the drive as a string. |
EnvGet | Retrieves an environment variable. |
EnvSet | Writes an environment variable. |
EnvUpdate | Refreshes the OS environment. |
Eval | Return the value of the variable defined by an string. |
Execute | Execute an expression. |
Exp | Calculates e to the power of a number. |
FileChangeDir | Changes the current working directory. |
FileClose | Closes a previously opened text file. |
FileCopy | Copies one or more files. |
FileCreateNTFSLink | Creates an NTFS hardlink to a file or a directory |
FileCreateShortcut | Creates a shortcut (.lnk) to a file. |
FileDelete | Delete one or more files. |
FileExists | Checks if a file or directory exists. |
FileFindFirstFile | Returns a search "handle" according to file search string. |
FileFindNextFile | Returns a filename according to a previous call to FileFindFirstFile. |
FileGetAttrib | Returns a code string representing a file's attributes. |
FileGetLongName | Returns the long path+name of the path+name passed. |
FileGetShortcut | Retrieves details about a shortcut. |
FileGetShortName | Returns the 8.3 short path+name of the path+name passed. |
FileGetSize | Returns the size of a file in bytes. |
FileGetTime | Returns the time and date information for a file. |
FileGetVersion | Returns the "File" version information. |
FileInstall | Include and install a file with the compiled script. |
FileMove | Moves one or more files |
FileOpen | Opens a text file for reading or writing. |
FileOpenDialog | Initiates a Open File Dialog. |
FileRead | Read in a number of characters from a previously opened text file. |
FileReadLine | Read in a line of text from a previously opened text file. |
FileRecycle | Sends a file or directory to the recycle bin. |
FileRecycleEmpty | Empties the recycle bin. |
FileSaveDialog | Initiates a Save File Dialog. |
FileSelectFolder | Initiates a Browse For Folder dialog. |
FileSetAttrib | Sets the attributes of one or more files. |
FileSetTime | Sets the timestamp of one of more files. |
FileWrite | Append a line of text to the end of a previously opened text file. |
FileWriteLine | Append a line of text to the end of a previously opened text file. |
Floor | Returns a number rounded down to the closest integer. |
FtpSetProxy | Sets the internet proxy to use for ftp access. |
GUICreate | Create a GUI window. |
GUICtrlCreateAvi | Creates an AVI video control for the GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateButton | Creates a Button control for the GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateCheckbox | Creates a Checkbox control for the GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateCombo | Creates a ComboBox control for the GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateContextMenu | Creates a context menu for a control or entire GUI window. |
GUICtrlCreateDate | Creates a date control for the GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateDummy | Creates a Dummy control for the GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateEdit | Creates an Edit control for the GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateGraphic | Creates a Graphic control for the GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateGroup | Creates a Group control for the GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateIcon | Creates an Icon control for the GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateInput | Creates an Input control for the GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateLabel | Creates a static Label control for the GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateList | Creates a List control for the GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateListView | Creates a ListView control for the GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateListViewItem | Creates a ListView item. |
GUICtrlCreateMenu | Creates a Menu control for the GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateMenuitem | Creates a MenuItem control for the GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateMonthCal | Creates a month calendar control for the GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateObj | Creates an ActiveX control in the GUI. |
GUICtrlCreatePic | Creates a Picture control for the GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateProgress | Creates a Progress control for the GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateRadio | Creates a Radio button control for the GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateSlider | Creates a Slider control for the GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateTab | Creates a Tab control for the GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateTabItem | Creates a TabItem control for the GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateTreeView | Creates a TreeView control for the GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem | Creates a TreeViewItem control for the GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateUpdown | Creates an UpDown control for the GUI. |
GUICtrlDelete | Deletes a control. |
GUICtrlGetHandle | Returns the handle for a control and some special (item) handles (Menu, ContextMenu, TreeViewItem). |
GUICtrlGetState | Gets the current state of a control |
GUICtrlRead | Read state or data of a control. |
GUICtrlRecvMsg | Send a message to a control and retrieve information in lParam. |
GUICtrlRegisterListViewSort | Register a user defined function for an internal listview sorting callback function. |
GUICtrlSendMsg | Send a message to a control. |
GUICtrlSendToDummy | Sends a message to a Dummy control. |
GUICtrlSetBkColor | Sets the background color of a control. |
GUICtrlSetColor | Sets the text color of a control. |
GUICtrlSetCursor | Sets the mouse cursor icon for a particular control. |
GUICtrlSetData | Modifies the data for a control. |
GUICtrlSetFont | Sets the font for a control. |
GUICtrlSetGraphic | Modifies the data for a control. |
GUICtrlSetImage | Sets the bitmap or icon image to use for a control. |
GUICtrlSetLimit | Limits the number of characters/pixels for a control. |
GUICtrlSetOnEvent | Defines a user-defined function to be called when a control is clicked. |
GUICtrlSetPos | Changes the position of a control within the GUI window. |
GUICtrlSetResizing | Defines the resizing method used by a control. |
GUICtrlSetState | Changes the state of a control. |
GUICtrlSetStyle | Changes the style of a control. |
GUICtrlSetTip | Sets the tip text associated with a control. |
GUIDelete | Deletes a GUI window and all controls that it contains. |
GUIGetCursorInfo | Gets the mouse cursor position relative to GUI window. |
GUIGetMsg | Polls the GUI to see if any events have occurred. |
GUIRegisterMsg | Register a user defined function for a known Windows Message ID (WM_MSG). |
GUISetBkColor | Sets the background color of the GUI window. |
GUISetCoord | Sets absolute coordinates for the next control. |
GUISetCursor | Sets the mouse cursor icon for a GUI window. |
GUISetFont | Sets the default font for a GUI window. |
GUISetHelp | Sets an executable file that will be run when F1 is pressed. |
GUISetIcon | Sets the icon used in a GUI window. |
GUISetOnEvent | Defines a user function to be called when a system button is clicked. |
GUISetState | Changes the state of a GUI window. |
GUIStartGroup | Defines that any subsequent controls that are created will be "grouped" together. |
GUISwitch | Switches the current window used for GUI functions. |
Hex | Returns a string representation of an integer or of a binaryString converted to hexadecimal. |
HotKeySet | Sets a hotkey that calls a user function. |
HttpSetProxy | Sets the internet proxy to use for http access. |
HWnd | Converts an expression into an HWND handle. |
InetGet | Downloads a file from the internet using the http or ftp protocol. |
InetGetSize | Returns the size (in bytes) of a file located on the internet. |
IniDelete | Deletes a value from a standard format .ini file. |
IniRead | Reads a value from a standard format .ini file. |
IniReadSection | Reads all key/value pairs from a section in a standard format .ini file. |
IniReadSectionNames | Reads all sections in a standard format .ini file. |
IniRenameSection | Renames a section in a standard format .ini file. |
IniWrite | Writes a value to a standard format .ini file. |
InputBox | Displays an input box to ask the user to enter a string. |
Int | Returns the integer (whole number) representation of an expression. |
IsAdmin | Checks if the current user has administrator privileges. |
IsArray | Checks if a variable is an array type. |
IsBinaryString | Checks if a variable or expression is a BinaryString type. |
IsBool | Checks if a variable's base type is boolean. |
IsDeclared | Check if a variable has been declared. |
IsFloat | Checks if a variable or expression is a float-type. |
IsHWnd | Checks if a variable's base type is HWND. |
IsInt | Checks if a variable or expression is an integer type. |
IsKeyword | Checks if a variable is a keyword (for example, Default). |
IsNumber | Checks if a variable's base type is numeric. |
IsObj | Checks if a variable or expression is an object type. |
IsString | Checks if a variable is a string type. |
Log | Calculates the natural logarithm of a number. |
MemGetStats | Retrieves memory related information. |
Mod | Performs the modulus operation. |
MouseClick | Perform a mouse click operation. |
MouseClickDrag | Perform a mouse click and drag operation. |
MouseDown | Perform a mouse down event at the current mouse position. |
MouseGetCursor | Returns the cursor ID Number for the current Mouse Cursor. |
MouseGetPos | Retrieves the current position of the mouse cursor. |
MouseMove | Moves the mouse pointer. |
MouseUp | Perform a mouse up event at the current mouse position. |
MouseWheel | Moves the mouse wheel up or down. NT/2000/XP ONLY. |
MsgBox | Displays a simple message box with optional timeout. |
Number | Returns the numeric representation of an expression. |
ObjCreate | Creates a reference to a COM object from the given classname. |
ObjEvent | Handles incoming events from the given Object. |
ObjGet | Retrieves a reference to a COM object from an existing process or filename. |
ObjName | Returns the name or interface description of an Object |
Ping | Pings a host and returns the roundtrip-time. |
PixelChecksum | Generates a checksum for a region of pixels. |
PixelGetColor | Returns a pixel color according to x,y pixel coordinates. |
PixelSearch | Searches a rectangle of pixels for the pixel color provided. |
ProcessClose | Terminates a named process. |
ProcessExists | Checks to see if a specified process exists. |
ProcessList | Returns an array listing the currently running processes (names and PIDs). |
ProcessSetPriority | Changes the priority of a process |
ProcessWait | Pauses script execution until a given process exists. |
ProcessWaitClose | Pauses script execution until a given process does not exist. |
ProgressOff | Turns Progress window off. |
ProgressOn | Creates a customizable progress bar window. |
ProgressSet | Sets the position and/or text of a previously created Progress bar window. |
Random | Generates a pseudo-random float-type number. |
RegDelete | Deletes a key or value from the registry. |
RegEnumKey | Reads the name of a subkey according to it's instance. |
RegEnumVal | Reads the name of a value according to it's instance. |
RegRead | Reads a value from the registry. |
RegWrite | Creates a key or value in the registry. |
Round | Returns a number rounded to a specified number of decimal places. |
Run | Runs an external program. |
RunAsSet | Initialise a set of user credentials to use during Run and RunWait operations. 2000/XP or later ONLY. |
RunWait | Runs an external program and pauses script execution until the program finishes. |
Send | Sends simulated keystrokes to the active window. |
SetError | Manually set the value of the @error macro. |
SetExtended | Manually set the value of the @extended macro. |
Shutdown | Shuts down the system. |
Sin | Calculates the sine of a number. |
Sleep | Pause script execution. |
SoundPlay | Play a sound file. |
SoundSetWaveVolume | Sets the system wave volume by percent. |
SplashImageOn | Creates a customizable image popup window. |
SplashOff | Turns SplashText or SplashImage off. |
SplashTextOn | Creates a customizable text popup window. |
Sqrt | Calculates the square-root of a number. |
StatusbarGetText | Retrieves the text from a standard status bar control. |
StderrRead | Read in a number of characters from the STDERR stream of a previously run child process. |
StdinWrite | Writes a number of characters to the STDIN stream of a previously run child process. |
StdoutRead | Reads in a number of characters from the STDOUT stream of a previously run child process. |
String | Returns the string representation of an expression. |
StringAddCR | Takes a string and prefixes all linefeed characters ( Chr(10) ) with a carriage return character ( Chr(13) ). |
StringFormat | Returns a formatted string (similar to the C sprintf() function). |
StringInStr | Checks if a string contains a given substring. |
StringIsAlNum | Checks if a string contains only alphanumeric characters. |
StringIsAlpha | Checks if a string contains only alphabetic characters. |
StringIsASCII | Checks if a string contains only ASCII characters in the range 0x00 - 0x7f (0 - 127). |
StringIsDigit | Checks if a string contains only digit (0-9) characters. |
StringIsFloat | Checks if a string is a floating point number. |
StringIsInt | Checks if a string is an integer. |
StringIsLower | Checks if a string contains only lowercase characters. |
StringIsSpace | Checks if a string contains only whitespace characters. |
StringIsUpper | Checks if a string contains only uppercase characters. |
StringIsXDigit | Checks if a string contains only hexadecimal digit (0-9, A-F) characters. |
StringLeft | Returns a number of characters from the left-hand side of a string. |
StringLen | Returns the number of characters in a string. |
StringLower | Converts a string to lowercase. |
StringMid | Extracts a number of characters from a string. |
StringReplace | Replaces substrings in a string. |
StringRight | Returns a number of characters from the right-hand side of a string. |
StringSplit | Splits up a string into substrings depending on the given delimiters. |
StringStripCR | Removes all carriage return values ( Chr(13) ) from a string. |
StringStripWS | Strips the white space in a string. |
StringTrimLeft | Trims a number of characters from the left hand side of a string. |
StringTrimRight | Trims a number of characters from the right hand side of a string. |
StringUpper | Converts a string to uppercase. |
Tan | Calculates the tangent of a number. |
TCPAccept | Permits an incoming connection attempt on a socket. |
TCPCloseSocket | Closes a TCP socket. |
TCPConnect | Create a socket connected to an existing server. |
TCPListen | Creates a socket listening for an incoming connection. |
TCPNameToIP | Converts an Internet name to IP address. |
TCPRecv | Receives data from a connected socket. |
TCPSend | Sends data on a connected socket. |
TCPShutdown, UDPShutdown | Stops TCP/UDP services. |
TCPStartup, UDPStartup | Starts TCP or UDP services. |
TimerDiff | Returns the difference in time from a previous call to TimerInit(). |
TimerInit | Returns a timestamp (in milliseconds). |
ToolTip | Creates a tooltip anywhere on the screen. |
TrayCreateItem | Creates a menuitem control for the tray. |
TrayCreateMenu | Creates a menu control for the tray menu. |
TrayGetMsg | Polls the tray to see if any events have occurred. |
TrayItemDelete | Deletes a menu/item control from the tray menu. |
TrayItemGetHandle | Returns the handle for a tray menu(item). |
TrayItemGetState | Gets the current state of a control. |
TrayItemGetText | Gets the itemtext of a tray menu/item control. |
TrayItemSetOnEvent | Defines a user-defined function to be called when a tray item is clicked. |
TrayItemSetState | Sets the state of a tray menu/item control. |
TrayItemSetText | Sets the itemtext of a tray menu/item control. |
TraySetClick | Sets the clickmode of the tray icon - what mouseclicks will display the tray menu. |
TraySetIcon | Loads/Sets a specified tray icon. |
TraySetOnEvent | Defines a user function to be called when a special tray action happens. |
TraySetPauseIcon | Loads/Sets a specified tray pause icon. |
TraySetState | Sets the state of the tray icon. |
TraySetToolTip | (Re)Sets the tooltip text for the tray icon. |
TrayTip | Displays a balloon tip from the AutoIt Icon. (2000/XP only) |
UBound | Returns the size of array dimensions. |
UDPBind | Create a socket bound to an incoming connection. |
UDPCloseSocket | Close a UDP socket. |
UDPOpen | Open a socket connected to an existing server . |
UDPRecv | Receives data from a opened socket |
UDPSend | Sends data on an opened socket |
WinActivate | Activates (gives focus to) a window. |
WinActive | Checks to see if a specified window exists and is currently active. |
WinClose | Closes a window. |
WinExists | Checks to see if a specified window exists. |
WinFlash | Flashes a window in the taskbar. |
WinGetCaretPos | Returns the coordinates of the caret in the foreground window |
WinGetClassList | Retrieves the classes from a window. |
WinGetClientSize | Retrieves the size of a given window's client area. |
WinGetHandle | Retrieves the internal handle of a window. |
WinGetPos | Retrieves the position and size of a given window. |
WinGetProcess | Retrieves the Process ID (PID) associated with a window. |
WinGetState | Retrieves the state of a given window. |
WinGetText | Retrieves the text from a window. |
WinGetTitle | Retrieves the full title from a window. |
WinKill | Forces a window to close. |
WinList | Retrieves a list of windows. |
WinMenuSelectItem | Invokes a menu item of a window. |
WinMinimizeAll | Minimizes all windows. |
WinMinimizeAllUndo | Undoes a previous WinMinimizeAll function. |
WinMove | Moves and/or resizes a window. |
WinSetOnTop | Change a window's "Always On Top" attribute. |
WinSetState | Shows, hides, minimizes, maximizes, or restores a window. |
WinSetTitle | Changes the title of a window. |
WinSetTrans | Sets the transparency of a window. (Windows 2000/XP or later) |
WinWait | Pauses execution of the script until the requested window exists. |
WinWaitActive | Pauses execution of the script until the requested window is active. |
WinWaitClose | Pauses execution of the script until the requested window does not exist. |
WinWaitNotActive | Pauses execution of the script until the requested window is not active. |